The most hyped liquid lipsticks of all time are without a doubt the Kylie Cosmetics Lip Kits. Kylie Jenner has started the matte lip trend and it has been going strong for years. I’m personally not a fan of the whole Kardashian clan, but as a fellow make-up enthusiast I have to say that I have a lot of respect for her creating her own lip products line at the age of 18. That said, I was curious to try out her lip kits and purchased the Kylie Lipkit in Candy K and Posie K.
The Kylie Lipkit in Candy K and Posie K came in a customized box with some wrapping and a card. I’ve heard rumors on the internet that since these lip kits are so hyped and sold out quickly after restocking, peoples packages get stolen! I love customized boxes but this can be a danger because people can exactly see where you ordered. Because of this problem, this might change the packaging in the future.
The card has the same dripping lip artwork in front as the lipkits. The back of the card has a personal message from Kylie in her handwriting that says:
“Thank you so much for purchasing your Kylie Lip Kit! I hope you enjoy using it as much as I ejoyed creating it. I put my heart and soul into each and every kit and I want to thank you for joining me on my journey. xoxo Kylie”
I love details like this. I don’t know if this comes from her marketing team or if she came up with this herself. Either way, it’s a nice gesture to include a card like this. You can also see her, her family and friends wearing a lot of her lip kits, so if it’s enough for a million dollar family to wear, it should be a great product for everyone else too right?
The Kylie Lip Kits consists of a matte liquid lipstick and a lip liner. They come in a box that has dripping lip artwork with the representing shade. The shade name is on top of the box and on the back, you can see some extra information regarding the ingredients etc. The formula has changed over time and I only have my kits in the “new” formula. The old formula is supposed to be better but more expensive, so they replaced it with other more affordable ingredients similar to Colourpops liquid lipsticks. I’m personally not a huge fan of the formula of the Colourpop Ultra Matte liquid lipsticks, so I really hope that these are not like those ones, especially for the 5x price increase (including the lip liner). For more information regarding the ingredients and old vs new formula, I would suggest to check out Stephanie Nicoles Video.
The Kylie Matte Liquid Lipsticks contains 3.25 mL of product and comes in a transparant tube with black details and have a regular doe foot applicator. The Kylie Lip Liners contains 1 gr of product and comes in a black wooden pencil which shows the color on the bottom.
Here are the swatches of the Kylie Lipkits in Candy K (left) and Posie K (right). The Kylie Lip Liners are very soft, pigmented and glide easily leaving a while swatching. This is a formula that I like. I really hate lip pencils where you have to push hard to get any color on my lips. The formula of both Kylie Matte Liquid Lipstick shades are thin and oily but dry very quickly, almost as soon as I apply it on my lips. I wish it was a bit less quick because it gives you less playtime. These dry down super flat, matte finish. There is no shine whatsoever in these liquid lipstick and are completely smudge and transfer proof. The Kylie Matte Liquid Lipsticks also have scent, it has a very sweet and sugary bakery scent. This is very noticeable during application but fades ones it has dried.
The tip that Kylie suggests for application (which is mentioned on the packaging of the box) is to line your lips first using the Kylie Lip Liner and fill in using the Liquid Lipstick. I used this method for the swatches down below.
Kylie Matte Liquid Lipstick in Candy K
The Kylie Lipkit in Candy K is a soft warm nude shade. This is a very complimenting shade on my lips and I really love how it looks. The lipstick is super dry and I felt like my lips were getting mini tears all over. I prevented this the next time I used this combo by applying a lipbalm at the beginning of applying my make-up and removing before applying the lipstick. These stay on all day like a pro though. I’ve had a few BBQs and the combo stayed on my lips afterwards. I’m able to re-apply the lipstick on top without any patchiness.
Kylie Matte Liquid Lipstick in Posie K
The Kylie Matte Liquid Lipstick in Posie K is a dusty mauve pink shade. It’s a really lovely everyday shade and I’m really addicted to colors like this one. The same can be said about the wearing experience for this shade. It’s extremely dry and longlasting because of the super matte finish. I just find it really funny that describes the formula as “The extremely long wearing lipstick contains moisturizing ingredients for a comfortable, emollient and silky feel that does not dry out your lips”. No.. just no. No one in the world can convince me that this actually feels not drying (I’m not even saying moisturizing) on their lips. Whoever wrote that, never tried this lipstick. It’s one of the most drying liquid lipsticks I’ve tried, and trust me, I’ve tried A LOT of different brands.
Overall, I think the Kylie Cosmetics Lip Kits are good but do I think they are work the price? I t might be for a selected group who do like the formula. For me, I think $29 dollars is a good price for a good liquid lipstick and liner, but the shipment costs make it too expensive. Do I think that the lip liners are better than MAC lip pencils? Definitely! The lip liners are great but Colourpop also makes a great liner, completely comparable to these ones for a fraction of the price. Are the Kylie liquid lipsticks comparable to Colourpops ultra matte liquid lipsticks? Maybe for some shades but I don’t own anything similar of Colourpop. I own a few Colourpop liquid lipsticks (both old and new formula) and I find them way worse then Kylies liquid lipsticks. Colourpop liquid lipstick and me do not go along. They dry way too quickly, feel too dry and if I apply a too thick of a layer, it immediately flakes on me. They break down and flake either way and the Kylie liquid lipsticks do not. This is my personal experience and can be different for everyone. I would personally prefer a liquid lipstick from Stila, Jeffree Star and some other brands over this one. Would I be interested in buying more Kylie Lipkits? Yes because the shades are beautiful and I’m also still very curious about her metal liquid lipsticks.
The Kylie Lip Kits are available for $29 USD at (excluding shipping to the Netherlands and possible extra customs taxes, check for the current price in Euro). They are often sold out within 10 minutes after restocking, but they usually restock every week. I would suggest to keep a close eye out on the Kylie Cosmetics Instagram page for updates on restocking dates/times.
Do you already own one the Kylie Lip Kits? Which one is your favorite?
Wauw Candy K staat je erg mooi!! Ik ga voorlopig niet mee in de hele hype… Om de grappige reden dat ik de Colourpop UM net wel leuk vind haha 😀 Ik denk dat het echt erg persoonsgebonden is want ik heb ook nog reviews gezien van mensen die de Kylie kits helemaal niet fijn vonden. Matte lipproducten blijven iets gek he 🙂
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Ik vind de kleuren echt super mooi, ik ben hier de laatste tijd ook echt van!
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Staan je allemaal heel mooi, zelf zou ik ze niet kopen aangezien het wel erg prijzig is! ?
Beide staan je erg mooi! Ik vind zelf de formule de lipstick erg fijn! En het potlood vind ik al helemaal super!
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posie k is echt super pretty <3
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De lipsticks staan je beide echt prachtig! Ik vind het jammer dat ik ze niet heb kunnen bestellen.
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Juist deze twee wil ik ZO graag! Vooral Posie k vind ik awesome alleen die invoerkosten houden me tegen.. dus als iemand wil bestellen! I’m in!
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Ahh ik vind ze je allebei zo mooi staan. En die verpakking zijn ook echt too die for. ♥ Wel jammer dat ze best droog aanvoelen.. zeker voor dat geld. Maar de kleur en finish maken een hoop goed!
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