50 Random Facts About Me

Hey All,

I have been doing many reviews on The Beautynerd, but I haven’t really shared anything personal  (except for my first post). I want to get you to know me a bit better, so I’m going to write 50 random facts about myself. Feel free to share some random facts about you in the comments. I love to know my viewers a bit better too. πŸ™‚

  1. My name originates from my Zodiac Sign, Aries with an L in front and A in the back;  L Aries A.
  2. I love food, especially from the Italian kitchen.
  3. Both of my parents are from Indonesia, I was born and raised in The Netherlands..
  4. My favorite videogame of all time is Final Fantasy VII.
  5. I swear A LOT when I talk to people I feel comfortable with.
  6. Rotterdam and The Hague are my favorite cities in The Netherlands.
  7. I don’t like to eat fruit, but I love to drink fruit juices.
  8. I have two cats named Elliot (Somali) and Atilla (Maine Coon) and two Leopard Geckos.
  9. My favorite type of beautyproducts are Liquid Lipsticks.
  10. I have boyfriend, we’re together for about 7.5 years.
  11. I have two rare auto-immune diseases, MS (Multiple Sclerosis) and ITP (Idiopathic Thrombocytopanic Purpura). These are not related so I’m probably the only one in the Netherlands who has this combination.
  12. I graduated Cum Laude for my Bachelors Degree in Biomedical Research at the University of Avans in Breda.
  13. My favorite perfume at the moment is YSL – Manifesto L’Elixir.
  14. I play Magic The Gathering because it’s one of my boyfriend’s hobby.
  15. I have worn black clothing exclusively since I was 13 (so 13 years in total).
  16. I have seven tattoo’s, two related to Final Fantasy VII.
  17. My favorite Let’s Play Youtuber is Eric Van Wilderman.
  18. I love to eat desserts. My favorite dessert is Tiramisu.
  19. I have an obsession with miniature make-up products.
  20. I love watching series and anime. I’m a huge fan of The Walking Dead and One Piece.Norman Reedus
  21. My favorite Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream flavor is Cinnabuns.
  22. My favorite console of all time is the Nintendo Gamecube.
  23. I own 500+ Nail Polishes.
  24. I’m very good at Super Smash Brothers, I love to play as Zelda.
  25. I’m too afraid to play horror games myself, so I love to watch Let’s Plays on Youtube.
  26. I’m very sensitive to sad parts in series/movies and immediately cry like a baby when something happens.
  27. I hate the smell of Lavender.
  28. My favorite Starbucks drink is Pumkin Spiced Latte.
  29. I grew up in Dordrecht and have lived there for ~20 years.
  30. I also have an obsession with Retro Videogames decoration type of things.Atilla Elliot
  31. Since Justin Bieber has released his new album Purpose, I’ve been listening to it on repeat.
  32. My very first Urban Decay product was Oz The Great and Powerful Theodora Palette.
  33. I have a weird obsession with zombies since I saw Resident Evil for the PSX.
  34. My favorite Beauty Youtuber is Chrisspy.
  35. I’m afraid of Spiders and many other insects.
  36. I’m a very lazy person, totally not into sports or any activities.
  37. I don’t like Pineapples and Paprika.
  38. I usually don’t wear any pants when I’m at home, except when I expect someone ofcourse.
  39. I’m an introvert.
  40. My favorite blog is Beautylab.
  41. When I get excited, I get a very high squeaky voice and talk very fast.
  42. I often use quotes from South Park when I’m having a conversation.
  43. I have a drivers license for 5 years but never have driven a car after I’ve gotten my license.
  44. I stalk every cat I see on the streets, trying to pet them.
  45. I can’t walk on high heels anymore but I still buy them.
  46. One of my dreams is to go to Tornado Alley in the USA to see (and chasee) a real Tornado.
  47. I often wear peplum tops.
  48. I don’t cook dinner, my boyfriend does. I only cook once per week.
  49. My favorite videogame series is (Phoenix Wright) Ace Attorney.
  50. I like to put my finger in my cats mouth when they’re yawning.

I hope these random facts will help you get to know me a bit better. I would love to show my personality a bit more, but I’m not sure how I can at the moment. I’m planning start doing Youtube video’s, but I really suck at editing (gave up after my first try). I hope I will have more time to figure things out during the Christmas holidays.

I would love to know you guys a bit more too, so please share random fact about yourself in the comments below!





  1. November 27, 2015 / 8:58 am

    Fijn, zo’n 50 random facts om de blogger behind the blog beter te leren kennen πŸ™‚ Ik relate met 26, 27 en 39!
    Ben overigens wel heel benieuwd naar je tattoo’s πŸ™‚
    Mjay recently posted…Mijn favoriete herfst lipsticks!My Profile

    • Lariesa
      November 28, 2015 / 12:26 am

      haha ik zie nu meer mensen die zeggen dat ze Lavendel niet chill vinden! Misschien dat ik een keertje een stukje ga schrijven over mn tattoo’s dan. πŸ˜€

  2. November 27, 2015 / 3:24 pm

    Leuk dat je je verhaal ook laat zien. Ik vind juist fruit heerlijk en ben er verslaafd aan. Liever fruit dan snoep. En dan vind ik ananas en paprika heerlijk…hahaha… wel vind ik Beauty Lab ook heel leuk.

    • Lariesa
      November 28, 2015 / 12:27 am

      Jaa heb je Serena wel eens in het echt ontmoet? het is zo’n lieve meid!

  3. Joyce
    November 27, 2015 / 5:36 pm

    Haha, leuk stukje.
    kan me in een aantal punten wel vinden.
    8: ik heb 3 coons…soooo fluffy!!
    14: Ik speel Dungeons & Dragons samen met mijn wederhelft.
    39: tsja….
    50: haha, zo mooi hoe lelijk en shocked ze je dan aankijken.

    • Lariesa
      November 28, 2015 / 12:28 am

      Oooh 3 coons woooaaahh!!!! Eentje sloopt het huis al als hij in een gekke bui is dus zal wel lekker gezellig zijn bij jou in huis hahaha heerlijk die beesten. πŸ™‚
      Lariesa recently posted…50 Random Facts About MeMy Profile

  4. Tamkin
    November 27, 2015 / 6:11 pm

    Hey Lariesa, thank you for sharing a bit about yourself πŸ™‚

    When I read that you went to Avans in Breda, I was like “OH MY GOD! I GO TO THE SAME PLACE!” πŸ˜€ I’m actually studying Environmental Science there.

    You’re so lucky that you got to meet Norman Reedus! Walking Dead is one of my favourite series.

    I’m excited that you’re thinking about making videos! Video editing can be a little time consuming but eventually you’ll get there πŸ™‚ Can’t wait for some videos because I live on YouTube videos. Also, you’re the second Dutch beauty blogger I know who shares their content in English. The other is NikkieTutorials, I think you know of her too. But she does very bold looks, whereas yours is more natural and focusing on the lips, which I personally like. I find myself reaching for gel liner / kohl pencil, mascara and matte liquid / regular lipstick. But I barely ever go buy them unless I run out of them, because I feel guilty spending on myself.

    And I love Chrisspy too! But I think my favourite is Kathleen Lights ’cause I find her funny πŸ˜€ Other than beauty gurus, I love watching PewDiePie.

    Your cats are adorable, btw πŸ™‚

    Sorry for the long essay for a comment :3 Have a great weekend!

    • Lariesa
      November 28, 2015 / 12:35 am

      So cool that you’re also going to Avans! Are you in that big fancy building? I was in the old building. πŸ™ Yaaass I know Nikkie, not in real life but her Youtube videos are amazing. I just recently subscribed too Kathleen and she is really funny and seems like a very nice person.

      I love that you have made a nice long comment, thank you so much for your time Tamkin! Hope that you’ll be visiting my blog more often! πŸ™‚

      You have a great weekend too!

      ps I havent forgot about the comparison, need to find some time to make some pictures with good lighting in this horrible Dutch weather. >_<

      • Tamkin
        November 29, 2015 / 10:01 pm

        I’m doing my minor virtually from Stockholm. So I haven’t had the chance to go to the nice building yet, but yes, that’s the one πŸ˜€ It looks really nice now!

        And I just heard from the friend that it’s raining hard in Rotterdam. Hope it didn’t dull your day πŸ™‚

        Thanks for your reply πŸ˜€

    • Lariesa
      December 2, 2015 / 11:06 pm

      Hahaha Eef I love you <3

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