Hey everyone! I wanted to discuss some updates on The Beautynerd in the coming year. I mostly product reviews on the blog, which will still be the case since I love to do reviews. However, as you might have read in my Beautyblogger Resolutions for 2016, I’m planning to do a few new things on the blog. I’m happy to show you what I’m currently planning: Youtube Video’s, Sample Card Swatches and Videogame Inspired Looks.
The most important thing that I want to try out is making Youtube Videos. I’ve tried to film one recently, and I found out that I’m absolutely horrible in making these. I don’t feel comfortable yet (and don’t look comfortable either) talking to a camera and since I’m a perfectionist, I keep stopping in between sentences if I’m not satisfied. I do feel like I’m getting used to it though!
I also have no idea how to edit videos, I have seen a couple of video editing programs which I’m going to try out as soon as I have a new laptop. I’ve purchased one recently but unfortunately, that one didn’t work out so I had to send it back.
On my Youtube Channel, I’m planning to do favorite videos and tag videos (both make-up and videogame related). I won’t be doing tutorials just yet, since I think there are many talented girls who can show it way better than me, and I don’t have any right lighting and editing skills to do so, maybe this will be a goal for 2017 (if I can make videos to begin with for this year!).
The next thing on the list is Sample Card Swatches. I’m planning to buy less make-up this year, which is not really getting less at the moment. But anyways, I was looking through my stash and I found out that I have so many Make-up Samples that I never used, from lipstick sample cards, eyeshadow sample cards to miniature mascara’s. Then I thought that this would be a great opportunity for creating a new type of review. I might not be able to discuss the packaging of the product (unless I already own a full-sized product) but I can discuss the most important thing, the product itself. After using the sample, I can let you know if I would buy the full-sized product myself or skip it!
Last but not least, I want to incorporate more Videogame subjects on my blog. I did think of doing Videogame reviews, but those are completely different compared to Make-up reviews. I think those are much more difficult and take so much more time, which I don’t have. Instead, I was thinking on doing Make-up Looks inspired by Videogames. This could be inspired by a character or a Videogame itself. This isn’t meant to look like a Videogame Character for cosplays, but purely inspirational and more artistic. I will definitely go more in depth about the character or Videogame during these posts.
I hope that you feel excited about these updates. Let me know if you have any suggestions on these subjects or if you want to see something else on the blog!
Het is ook even wennen om jezelf te filmen en te praten op video. Ik heb het ook geprobeerd, het voelde heel raar om mijzelf terug te zien op de video. Leuk plan dat je minder gaat kopen dit jaar, zeker als je al veel make-up sampels hebt. Ik ben benieuwd naar je review.
Love your ideas! Best of luck for your future endeavours!
Goede ideeën heb je! Kan me best voorstellen dat het moeilijk is om jezelf te filmen… Zie het mezelf ook niet snel doen!
Mjay recently posted…Personalitis #4 – Werken aan mijn vernieuwde beautyblog
Okay I just came across your blog when I was looking for a review about a lipstick. Your posts are really good! I’ve read your whole blog posts for about an hour now, and I have to say that you are really talented! You can make it far if you go on like this!
Oh my gosh Lilian you’ve almost made me cry of happiness with this sweet comment! Thank you so, so much. 🙂 I hope I will be able to improve even more, and hopefully you will be here with me! 😀
Ik kijk vooral uit naar de video-games inspired looks! Lijkt me wel echt vet!
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