The Power of Makeup 2016

The Power of Makeup 2016 01

The ever so popular video showing The Power of Makeup by Nikkietutorials has been going strong for more than a year. Many, many people have been re-creating the half-face make-up look to show the effect of make-up. I also did one last year and I wanted to do this again to explain my view on make-up. My explanation this year is much more different than my previous post and I will probably do this every year but for now, please enjoy my The Power of Makeup 2016 post!


The Power of Makeup 2016 Before 01

Let’s start with my face without any make-up. I have been so busy at work with deadlines and such, which you can see in my face. I look very tired lately but overall, my skin is good, only having some small bumps on my forehead and a few acne scars here and there because I can’t leave my face alone like a meth addict when something comes up. I usually look like this during the week because I’m not a morning person and I’d rather sleep extra for 40 minutes instead of applying make-up. I’m definitely not  insecure about my face without make-up. Wearing make-up does make me feel more beautiful and confident but I think it’s very important to love yourself no matter how you look.


The Power of Makeup 2016 03

Do I think I’m perfect without make-up? Of course not! I think I look much better with make-up. I have tons of things that I want to change about my features like any other person would find flaws about themselves, but that doesn’t mean that I would hate my face because of it. I’m all for plastic surgery, as long as you do it for yourself and not because you want to look pretty for other people or if other people want you to.


The Power of Makeup 2016 02

I really love make-up because there are so many possibilities. Like changing nail polish, clothes and accessories in a day-to-day basis, I can match my make-up or adjust my make-up on my mood, or just look flawless because I feel like it. Make-up is so fun to play with and it makes me feel more confident and beautiful. The most great thing about make-up is that you can wash it away at the end of the day. I love experimenting with make-up and learn more about what I like each time. I’ve worn the brown 90’s lips for years and I can remember buying my first sheer pink make-up, it was so weird!! Now, I’m wearing black and blue lipsticks and I’m loving it.


The Power of Makeup 2016 After 01

Like I’ve mentioned, I think I look way better with make-up but it doesn’t change my view on myself. This is totally my opinion, I think a good and positive personality is much more important, it will also show on the outside. I’d rather be someone who has a great personality than having a flawless face, but why not have both! I love make-up, it’s is a beautiful and amazing tool to enhance your own features. I just find it important to love yourself with and without.


The Power of Make-up After 02

Another thing what I notice is that some girls are afraid to wear too much make-up or bold shades because of getting weird looks from people wearing a blue lipstick for example. Never, ever let anyone tell you what to do with make-up. Here in the Netherlands, the younger crowd is wearing a lot more but compared to places like the US, there aren’t many women wearing a lot of heavy and daring make-up. I personally think you shouldn’t give a rats ass about what other people think about your make-up, as long as you think it’s good and you feel good wearing it.  Again, everything washes away at the end.

So in summary for my The Power of Makeup 2016 post, I love myself and I love make-up. Make-up is awesome because it makes everything look flawless but never be ashamed of yourself, with or without.

What is your view on make-up?



  1. June 21, 2016 / 10:04 am

    Yesss je look is mooi! En je hebt helemaal gelijk! Zo lang je het voor jezelf doet vind ik dat alles gewoon moet kunnen!

  2. June 22, 2016 / 8:15 am

    Zo’n leuk artikel! Ik snap je inderdaad en zo voelt het voor mij ook. Ik durf perfect zonder make-up de deur uit maar ik kan er zo van genieten om me op te maken waardoor het helemaal niet als een verplichting voelt! Maar inderdaad, er draaien nog steeds heel wat hoofden als ik eens buiten kom met een donkere lipstick, zo jammer…
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  3. July 15, 2016 / 1:36 pm

    I believe every girl is beautiful in her own way regardless if she wears makeup or not. But still this post is a good tutorial on how to enhance your beauty.

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