Forever Against Animal Testing. The Body Shop has been a front-runner in the fight against animal testing for cosmetics. Over the last three decades, the brand has worked with their campaign partner, Cruelty Free International. Their efforts helped to push a law in the European Union to ban the sales of cosmetics that are tested on animals, effective since 2013 but unfortunately, there’s still much work to do. In this post, I’m going to explain what you can do to help put an end to Animal Testing for Cosmetics around the world.
Did you know that 80% of the countries around the world do not have any laws against Animal Testing for Cosmetics? Even a well-faring country such as the United States does not have any laws against it. Alternatives for are often cheaper, faster and more accurate, so there’s basically no use for Animal Testings Cor cosmetics any longer.
The biggest country known to still test on animals for cosmetics is China. Therefore, people often try to boycot brands who sell their cosmetics in that country. I don’t think that works, because there are 1.3 billion people in China, which means a lot of consumers. If a brand would leave such a country, it would lose a lot of profit and a lot of people would lose their jobs as well.
Instead of boycotting brands, I fully support The Body Shop and Cruelty Free International‘s approach to ban Animal Testing worldwide, because I think it actually might be possible this way. Their approach is to call the United Nations (which also includes China) to adopt an international convention that will end Animal Testing for cosmetics products and ingredients everywhere. But how do we get the attention from the United Nations, you may ask? By Signing a Petition!
You can Sign the Petition provided by The Body Shop and Cruelty Free International HERE. All the collected signatures can be shown to representatives of member countries to let them know that people from their countries want a ban for Animal Testing for Cosmetics worldwide. More signatures means more impact, which is why it’s so important to have as much support in order to make it work.
The goal ultimate goal is to reach 8 million signatures so if you haven’t signed already and you want support the cause, please sign the petition to help getting closer to the goal to ban Animal Testing for Cosmetics worldwide.
If you want to do more, you can always show your support by sharing the petition or getting these cute, 100% Vegan The Body Shop Bunny Soaps (€3,50/50 gr each) as gifts for friends and family, which also helps to spread the word about the petition. These Limited Edition soaps are available in Olive, Plum and Stawberry.
Are you forever against animal testing? Did you sign the petition or are you planning to sign it?
*Products shown in picture were provided by PR. Please check out my disclosure page for more information.
Just signed the petition. I love animals as much as I love using beauty products. I didn’t know that 80% of countries don’t have laws against animal testing. I don’t think governments understand enough that animals don’t have their own voices but it doesn’t mean they don’t have the rights from abuse. Really great cause.
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